Get In Touch

Whether you need further information, support, or just an understanding ear to listen, our HeartKids team is here to help you. Because no one impacted by CoHD should navigate this journey alone.

You can get in touch with the team at HeartKids by completing the below form or connecting with us via phone or web chat.


Sign up to receive monthly updates with the latest news, CoHD information and resources, and upcoming events and campaigns across the HeartKids community.

Contact Information

Call Us

Head Office

02 9460 7450


1800 432 785

Mail Us

PO Box 2037, North Parramatta NSW 1750

Discover what's happening in your state

HeartKids has dedicated teams supporting individuals and families across Australia, organising events, activities, and get-togethers. Click on your state below to discover what's happening locally.

By State

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