Navigating the financial aspects of Childhood Heart Disease with Elle Pendrick

In this episode of From the Heart, we’re joined by Elle Pendrick, a HeartKid herself and member of our HeartKids Board. Elle is also the founder of Adulting Well – on a  mission to empower and educate people with chronic illnesses. In this episode Elle discusses navigating the financial aspects of living with, or caring for someone, with a childhood heart condition.

For those new to From the Heart we highly recommend you check out an earlier interview we conducted with Elle on preparing for Open Heart Surgery.

For more information and tips, check out Elle’s recently released Ultimate Surgery Success Guide.

Content note: This episode provides general ideas for navigating the financial aspects of living with a Childhood Heart Condition in Australia, but it does not provide financial advice. Everybody’s situation is unique, so we strongly recommend you get independent financial advice.

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