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Participate in Workplace Giving

Workplace Giving is a small regular donation that comes out of your pay (usually pre-tax) and is one of the easiest and most effective ways to make your community a better place.

Did you know?

  • 85% of employees feel it’s important to give back to the community through the workplace.
  • 86% of employees would be more inclined to give through workplace giving knowing it’s one of the most effective ways for charities to fundraise.
  • 63% would be happy to be automatically included in their employer’s workplace giving program.

At HeartKids it is not all about the regular pre-tax donation but we also believe in a holistic approach where workplace giving involves both the employee and employer. This includes the opportunity for match giving by an employee showing their commitment to the cause, workplace fundraising/team building activities that benefit not only HeartKids but the organisation, volunteering opportunities within the community and lastly for HeartKids staff or a heart kid family to visit your workplace to demonstrate where the funds go and how the community support helps all those impacted by congenital heart disease.

This approach sees employers enjoy greater staff engagement, retention, productivity, reputation and social impact. Employees give in a smarter way and build a sense of pride in their employer. It is a Win Win situation.

For more information on Workplace Giving, please download the fact sheet.

 Read Fact Sheet

Here are the top 4 reasons why our amazing workplace givers have chosen to take part in the Workplace Giving Program.

Reason 1: You’ll be helping the community

Your contribution although 'small' each month, collectively as a program it all adds up so HeartKids can run family support programs, connect families together so they feel less alone and most importantly provide financial and emotional support when they are at their most vulnerable. Every little bit counts.

Reason 2: You’ll feel great for doing it.

As well as providing invaluable support to the HeartKids community, Workplace Giving will make you feel good. How? A 2008 Harvard Business school study found that giving money to someone else “lifted participants happiness more than spending it on themselves” despite predictions from the participants otherwise.

Similarly, a 2006 study conducted by the University of California found a big increase in wellbeing in participants who participated in acts of kindness over six weeks.

Imagine how good you’ll feel giving every week of the year.

Reason 3: You make a bigger difference through Workplace Giving.

Say that you and nine of your colleagues decide to donate $10 from your weekly pay (less than a coffee per day). Across the course of a week, you’re probably not going to miss that $10 dollars.

But by the end of the year, you’ll have collectively raised about $5,200 for support services helping families battling with the impact of this disease.

Some organisations will even match the amount that their employees generate through Workplace Giving – so your $5,200 could become $10,400!

Reason 4: It’s really easy.

If your organisation already facilitates Workplace Giving, ask them to include HeartKids as a chosen charity and then signing up is as easy as getting a form from your payroll department and you can choose to donate as much (or as little) as you want.  It’s that easy!

For more information, contact our National Events and Corporate Relationship Manager Georgia at georgia.angus@heartkids.org.au or simply fill in this contact form
