Early Childhood Programs
Learn more about our Early Childhood Programs, designed to support HeartKids families with children from birth to 6 years.

Better Beginnings (Birth - 4yrs)
Better Beginnings is a national online program which aims to support HeartKids families with children from Birth- 4 years.Â
The program acknowledges that children with CoHD are at increased risk of developmental delay, particularly those who have had surgery before the age of 1. Often delays are subtle and can go unnoticed until children enter formal schooling. Through early intervention, participating families will have the opportunity to access timely developmental assessment, with our Occupational Therapist, to gain insight into their child’s development and identify any developmental concerns. Our Occupational Therapist can also assist with referrals to local service providers as needed.
Through monthly online sessions, parents and caregivers will have the opportunity to hear relevant developmental information and be empowered with practical, everyday strategies to support your child’s development. The program also offers the chance to connect with other HeartKids families.
Better Starts (4-6 yrs)
We acknowledge that starting school can be a very significant milestone for children with CoHD and their families. Our Better Starts program focuses on supporting families with children aged 4-6 years through their transition to school.
Through monthly online sessions and resource material, our Occupational Therapist will provide practical ideas to support school readiness, as well as information for parents and caregivers on building positive relationships with your child’s school and advocating for your child’s health and developmental needs.
Our Occupational Therapist can also assist with developmental assessment and referrals to local service providers as needed.